CellMax Technologies appoints new CEO


Reine Eriksson has been appointed as the new CEO of CellMax Technologies AB, as of February 1st, 2022.

Reine’s long industry experience and track record building global business’ towards the telecom sector will help CellMax to meet the significantly increased demands for high performing antennas.  

The operational experience and global industry knowledge will be a great asset in taking CellMax into its next expansive phase. Reine Eriksson has held a number of executive positions in public and most recent a privately held company where he built a global business area for a SW as a service company.

“I am very excited and honored to join this great team that has created and set the standard of the world class high performance antenna’s within the mobile industry, CellMax has already a great momentum and we will continue to take high gain performance based antenna’s to the next level the coming years to come.” Reine Eriksson says, after the first couple of weeks on the job.

CellMax, member of the Rosenberger Group, develops and produces high-gain, high-efficiency antennas that offer increased network performance, lower total cost of ownership, higher subscriber satisfaction and higher revenues. The high efficiency comes from a patented design unlike any other on the market. CellMax today provides antennas to tier 1 operators with the best performing networks in the world. Based out Sweden, CellMax provides performance antenna solutions around the globe and remains a key asset in the Rosenberger Group.


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